Do you need planning permission for a new gate?

The idea of applying for planning permission can be enough to make homeowners look the other way when it comes to installing a premium gate feature. However, you needn’t worry, as a gateway that satisfies planning rules can be achieved no matter what your budget and choices of gate specification. Don’t delay, read our planning permission guide and transform your property with a grand entrance to your home today.

What is planning permission?

Planning permission is a request to your local planning body (often part of the council) to undertake building work on your property. This is important because it prevents illegal construction, protects the public and also has the region’s best interests at heart, such as in conservation areas and places of historic interest. If planning permission is required, it is your responsibility to seek it and for it to be granted before work begins.

It’s worth noting that planning permissions vary between regions and local authorities. Always check with your local authority before work commences. After all, it’s far easier to plan ahead using the permissions as guidelines than it is to have to tear down a brand new gate that doesn’t fit the planning permission criteria.

Gates and permitted development

Take a look at the most frequently asked gate planning permission FAQs for the UK.

Do you need planning permission for a gate on a public road?

If the gate opens onto a highway or a pavement on the highway, the gate can be 1 metre or less in height, otherwise you will need planning permission for gates on a public road.

Can you put a gate on a private road without planning permission? 

If your gates open onto a private road or an unadopted road, then you can erect a gate system that is up to 2 metres high without planning permission.

Do I need planning permission for replacing an existing gate? 

If there is an existing gate, fence or wall in the same location, then planning permission will not need to be secured as you will be replacing an existing boundary feature with a feature of similar height. Put simply, if you are replacing a gate with another gate that is of the same height or less, you won’t need permission.

If the new gate is higher than before, then it will need permission. If you are installing a gate in a new location for the first time, it can be 1 metre in height next to a highway and up to 2 metres in any other location without planning permission.

Can my driveway gate open outwards? 

Under the Highway Act 1980, driveway gates cannot open outwards onto a public road, highway or pavement in a way that obstructs it. Therefore all driveway gates must open inwards onto your property.

The only way you could have a gate that opens outwards was if it was set further back up your driveway so that it did not obstruct a road or pavement when opening. Ask a planning expert for more specifics on driveway gate regulations for the UK if you’re unsure.

Can I put barbed wire on my fence? 

Driveway gate regulations in the UK also cover whether you can put barbed wire or other ‘injurious toppings’ on your fence to keep intruders out.

According to the Highways Act 1980, if barbed wire or other injurious toppings are considered a nuisance or danger to the public, you could be asked to remove them. The police also advise against barbed wire and other similar toppings as you could be making yourself liable for any injuries caused.

Can I put a gate in my back fence or boundary fence? 

If you’re wondering whether you need permission to put a gate in either your back fence or your boundary fence, it is good manners to discuss this with your neighbours first. You may also need to check with your local planning authority to consult with any local rules that may affect your plans.

Gate planning permission in conservation areas

If you have any doubts about the legality of your new gate system because you live in, next to or within the curtilage of a listed building, you should seek professional advice. In a conservation area, you will need planning permission to take down a gate and alter the frontage of your property in any way. If you are creating a replica of an existing gate, there are no issues, but as soon as the existing aesthetics are in question, planning permission will need to be sought.

If you’re not sure where to begin, why not try our handy gate builder and price calculator, to receive a quick, free and simple guide quote for your brand new gateway?

Strand Systems is dedicated to crafting gateways and entry systems for homes of distinction. Our team has many years of experience in all manner of gates and landscaping features. We professionally install traditional, domestic and commercial gates, as well as automation systems, bollards, barriers and much more.

Our fully compliant service comes with a guarantee, too, for your peace of mind. Remember to use our handy gate builder and price calculator, to receive a quick and simple guide quote. Get in touch today.


timber domestic driveway gate